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Image by Si Longworth (Army Photographer)

A lot more than a thousand soldiers from the Household Division have been on parade to mark the Queen’s Official Birthday on 14th June 2014 on Horse Guards Parade, at the ceremony identified as Trooping the Colour. The Royal Colonels (The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge, and The Princess Royal) also rode on the parade.

This year it was the turn of Nijmegen Company Grenadier Guards to troop the Colour presented to them by Her Majesty The Queen at Buckingham Palace last June. The Colour is of crimson silk and carries 45 of the Regiment’s 77 Battle Honours. The earliest dates back to 1680, the most current is for the Gulf War in 1991, but the Battle Honour of greatest importance to the Grenadiers on parade is that of Waterloo 1815.

The Field Officer in Brigade Waiting, Lieutenant Colonel Chips Broughton, Grenadier Guards, commanded the Parade. It is the initial time since 2005 that the Grenadiers are not preparing for, on, or recovering from a tour in Afghanistan, but their programme is just as full. Considering that the last Queen’s Birthday Parade, components of the battalion have educated or been trained in the Falklands, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Estonia, France and Belgium. Later this year the entire battalion deploys to Kenya. Meanwhile the Coldstream Guards are in Kabul and the Irish Guards on duty on the Green Line in Cyprus.

There were much more than 200 horses on parade, and more than 400 musicians from all the Household Division Bands &amp Corps of Drums marched and played as a single. The well-known Drum Horses of the Mounted Bands with their immaculately waxed moustaches were also on parade.

All the Soldiers paraded in the standard ceremonial uniforms of the Household Cavalry, Royal Horse Artillery, and Foot Guards. Many a lot more have been functioning behind the scenes to guarantee this, the most critical parade of the year, went smoothly.

The Guards are amongst the oldest regiments in the British Army and have served as the private bodyguards of The Sovereign because the monarchy was restored in 1660. The ceremony of Trooping the Colour is believed to have been performed initial in the course of the reign of Charles II and in 1748 it was decided that the parade would be employed to mark the official birthday of the Sovereign. An annual occasion because 1760, it has been the practise for the Regiments of the Sovereign’s own Household Troops to troop their Colours in turn. Her Majesty The Queen has taken the salute at each parade considering that Her accession to the throne 62 years ago, except in 1955 when there was a national rail strike. Though Her Majesty’s actual birthday is on 21st April, her “official birthday” is marked by the Trooping the Colour ceremony on the second Saturday in June.

Major General Commanding the Household Division and Common Officer commanding London District, Edward Smyth-Osbourne CBE, mentioned:

“This year the centenary of the outbreak of the First Planet War is especially poignant as we honour these who served, bear in mind those who died and strive to guarantee that the lessons learnt live with us forever. It is also the 70th anniversary of the Normandy Campaign and the subsequent liberation of Nijmegen, the action for which this year’s Escort is named. Next year is the 200th anniversary of Waterloo, the battle at which the Grenadiers earned their name. The Household Division Regiments have played their portion in the momentous events of the past and, I am confident, stand prepared for what ever we face in the future.”

The troops began forming up on Horse Guards Parade from 9.15am. Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh left Buckingham Palace at 10.45am and rode down the Mall in Queen Victoria’s 1842 ivory mounted phaeton drawn by a pair of matching grey horses. The Sovereign’s Escort, consisting of troops of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment and the Mounted Bands accompanied Her Majesty and arrived on the parade at 11am.

Her Majesty inspected the Guards on parade, the Massed Bands marched across the parade square in slow and fast time, and then the Colour was “trooped” through the ranks. Then the Guards performed a march previous in slow and swift time – straight lines and precision drill had been the order of the day. Ultimately, The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery, The Life Guards and The Blues and Royals, accompanied by the Massed Bands of the Household Cavalry rode past and all troops marched off the parade for the ceremonial procession down the Mall.

On Her return to Buckingham Palace Her Majesty The Queen took the salute as the Guards Divisions marched past and the mounted troops Ranked Past. The Altering of the Guard ceremony then took spot with the New Guard being formed by the men of the Escort to the Colour.

The Kings Troop Royal Horse Artillery fired a 41-gun salute in Green Park at 12.52pm, although at Her Majesty’s Tower of London, the Headquarter Squadron of the Honourable Artillery Organization fired a 62-gun salute at 1pm in front of Inspecting Officer Colonel Robert Murphy, the Master Gunner in the Tower.

Lastly, Her Majesty The Queen with other members of the Royal Family appeared on the balcony of Buckingham Palace to view the RAF Flypast down the Mall at 1pm.

MoD release authorised handout pictures.
All images remain Crown Copyright 2013.
Photo credit to study – Cpl Si Longworth RLC (Phot)


Si Longworth – 07414 191994
Richard Watt – 07836 515306
Shane Wilkinson – 07901 590723

Rohr Porsche 911 GT1 1996, the really massive radiator!

Image by wbaiv
When Norbert Singer and company set out to develop the 911 GT1, a important part of the style was wrapping the nicely recognized Porsche flat six in a comprehensive water jacket, then placing a radiator someplace to get rid of all that heat! And surprise, (or not), its a really huge radiator certainly. The 956/962 racers had water cooled heads, and water radiators, but kept air cooled cylinders. Nicely that’s all changed here, as you can see. This whole car, from front wheel homes forward, is a almost horizontal radiator, with a smaller sized inlet and exhaust passage feeding air in and letting it out. Have a look at a North American model 173 &quotMustang&quot reduce-away drawing to see how this functions.

I like the factory’s white finish, but this yellow (and the Blue Coral blue) is quite handsome and this is a great angle for it.


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